Preperation Instructions

Black Tea
Take 1 teaspoon tea leaves. About 2 grams of leaves is ideal for a black tea preparation.
Pour freshly boiled water over the tea leaves.
Boil the water to 100 degrees celsius. You can then let it cool down to upto 90 degrees.
Steep for 3-5 minutes depending on your taste.
Strain the leaves out & enjoy. 
Best consumed without or with very little milk.
A sweetener like sugar or honey can be added as per taste.  
Green Tea
Take 1 teaspoon tea leaves. About 2 grams of leaves is ideal for a green tea preparation.
Pour freshly boiled water over the tea leaves. 
Boil the water to 100 degrees celsius and then let it cool down to between 80-90 degrees. 
Steep for 2-3 minutes depending on your taste.
Do not over-steep as green teas can become bitter in taste. 
Strain the leaves out & enjoy. 
To be served without milk.
Use honey as sweetner.


Oolong Tea
Take 1 teaspoon tea leaves. About 1.5 grams of leaves is ideal for a oolong tea preparation.
Pour freshly boiled water over the tea leaves.
Boil the water to 100 degrees celsius and then let it cool down to between 80-90 degrees.
Steep for 4-5 minutes depending on your taste.
Strain the leaves out & enjoy. 
To be served without milk.
White Tea 
Take 1 teaspoon tea leaves. About 1.5 grams of leaves is ideal for a white tea preparation.
Boil the water to 100 degrees celsius and then let it cool down to between 80-90 degrees.
Pour freshly boiled water over the tea leaves.
Steep for 4-5 minutes depending on your taste.
Strain the leaves out & enjoy. 
To be served without milk.